Works with any Kubernetes cluster

DevSpace is a very lightweight, client-only CLI tool which uses your current kube-context, just like kubectl or helm. It does not require you to install anything inside your cluster and works out of the box with every Kubernetes cluster.

5 Reasons

Why Developers Love DevSpace

#1 Streamlined Workflow

DevSpace lets you automate all build and deployment steps

Automate Image Building

  • Building Images

    Builds all images in parallel using Docker, kaniko or any custom build commands (e.g. using cloud build)

  • Tagging Images

    Tags images according to customizable tag schema and updates tags in manifests and Helm chart values

  • Pushing Images (skipped for local clusters)

    Pushes images to any public or private registry and automatically creates pull secrets if needed

Automate Deployments

  • Kubectl, Helm, Kustomize, ...

    DevSpace supports a variety of deployment tools and even lets you run custom scripts.

  • Cross-Repository Dependencies

    If your project depends on a service which is part of a different git repository, you can add a devspace.yaml config file to each of the repositories and define dependencies between them.

  • Easy CI/CD Integration

    DevSpace works in non-interactive environments which allows you to share the same base config for deploying during development as well as for deploying to staging or production environments via your CI/CD pipeline.

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#2 Faster Iterations

DevSpace updates your containers in real-time while you're coding

When running the 'devspace dev' command, DevSpace deploys the application and establishes a real-time connection to the deployed containers. If you change the source code, DevSpace will detect these changes, synchronize them into the running containers and rebuild/restart your application using hot reloading. So, instead of rebuilding images and redeploying containers over and over again, DevSpace uses a bi-directional file sync and hot reloading, which is much faster.

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#3 Feature-Rich UI

DevSpace ships with a built-in UI optimized for development

  • Namespace Inspection

    Get a list of all containers including their status for every context and namespace (+ pod YAML viewer).

  • Real-Time Log Streaming

    Click on a container to start log streaming including real terminal colors for the entire log stream.

  • Status Monitoring & Alerts

    Quickly detect when containers are failing or pods have issues starting.

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  • Interactive Terminal Sessions

    Start interactive terminal sessions for each container with just a single click.

  • 1-Click Port-Forwarding

    Open any application running inside a container by clicking the 'Open' button which starts port-forwarding and opens the localhost address of the forwarded port inside your browser.

#4 Localhost Experience

DevSpace works with your favorite IDE and other developer tools

Launch a dev environment
from any terminal

  • Multi-Container Log Streaming

    By default, DevSpace streams the logs of all deployed containers while you are coding.

  • Interactive Terminal

    You can also start DevSpace using the interactive mode which overrides the entrypoint of one of your Docker images with a sleep command and then opens an interactive terminal session to the deployed container instead of the log streaming. This allows you to start the container yourself using a manual entrypoint command.

Use DevSpace
within your IDE

  • Reduce Context Switches

    Stay focused and see the merged logs of all your containers directly inside the terminal of your IDE.

  • Works With Every IDE

    You can start DevSpace from the terminal of any IDE

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#5 Cross-Env Consistency

DevSpace lets you bring dev, staging and production closer together

  • Declarative Configuration

    DevSpace uses one declarative config file which helps you to make workflow knowledge explicit and share a declarative configuration across environments and between the members of your team.

  • Profiles & Config Patches

    To account for the differences between different target environments, DevSpace lets you define so-called profiles which can overwrite certain parts of the config or change the config using patches.

  • Config Variables

    The DevSpace config is highly dynamic and can contain variables which can be regular environment variables, git-based information or even a custom question asked to the developer running a certain command.

  • Custom Commands

    DevSpace allows you to store your most common development commands inside the devspace.yaml, so you can repeatedly execute them, version them and share them with your team.

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