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Version: 5.x

Initialize a Project

Choose a Project

You can either deploy one of your own projects or alternatively, checkout one of our demo applications using git:

git clone
cd devspace-quickstart-nodejs

Initialize Your Project

Run this command in your project directory to create a devspace.yaml config file for your project:

devspace init

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? How do you want to deploy this project? [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> helm: Use Component Helm Chart [QUICK START] (
helm: Use my own Helm chart (e.g. local via ./chart/ or any remote chart)
kubectl: Use existing Kubernetes manifests (e.g. ./kube/deployment.yaml)
kustomize: Use an existing Kustomization (e.g. ./kube/kustomization/)

DevSpace will ask you a couple of questions about this project and then generate a devspace.yaml for you to start with. If you are using the quickstart projects, choose Component Helm Chart for the first question.

After running devspace init, you will see a devspace.yaml file in your project which should look like this:

version: v1beta10

# `images` specifies all images that may need to be built for this project
app: # This image is called `app` and this name `app` is referenced multiple times in the config below
image: registry.tld/username/image
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
disabled: true

# `deployments` tells DevSpace how to deploy this project
- name: quickstart-kubectl
# This deployment uses `kubectl` but you can also define `helm` deployments
- kube/deployment.yaml
# OR:
- name: quickstart-helm # Name of this deployment
helm: # Deploy using Helm
componentChart: true # Use the Component Helm Chart
values: # Override Values for chart (can also be set using valuesFiles option)
containers: # Defines an array of containers that run in the same pods started by this component
- image: image(app):tag(app) # Image of this container
service: # Expose this component with a Kubernetes service
ports: # Array of container ports to expose through the service
- port: 3000 # Exposes container port 3000 on service port 3000

# Settings for development mode (will be explained later)
dev: ...

# Settings for development mode (will be explained later)
profiles: ...