Config Reference
containers: # struct[] | Array of containers- name: some-container # string | Container name (optional) image: mysql # string | Container image command: # string[] | Override image ENTRYPOINT - "sleep" args: # string[] | Override image CMD - "99999" stdin: false # boolean | Set container stdin (default: false) tty: false # boolean | Set container tty (default: false) env: # struct[] | Array of environment variables for container - name: SOME_ENV_VAR # string | Name of environment variable value: "some-value" # string | Value of environment variable valueFrom: ... # struct | Get value of environment variable from Kubernetes object (e.g. configmap, secret) volumeMounts: # struct[] | Array of volume mounts - containerPath: /volume # string | Path inside container to mount volume into volume: # struct | Volume to mount name: some-volume # string | Name of the volume to mount subPath: /some/path # string | Mount subPath within volume (optional) readOnly: false # boolean | Make volume mount read-only (default: false) resources: # struct | Pod Resource Restrictions limits: ... # struct | Kubernetes limit for pod resources (max) requests: ... # struct | Kubernetes requests for pod resources (min) livenessProbe: ... # struct | Kubernetes livenessProbe readinessProbe: ... # struct | Kubernetes readinessProbe
containers: # struct[] | Array of containers- name: some-container # string | Container name (optional) image: mysql # string | Container image command: # string[] | Override image ENTRYPOINT - "sleep" args: # string[] | Override image CMD - "99999" stdin: false # boolean | Set container stdin (default: false) tty: false # boolean | Set container tty (default: false) env: # struct[] | Array of environment variables for container - name: SOME_ENV_VAR # string | Name of environment variable value: "some-value" # string | Value of environment variable valueFrom: ... # struct | Get value of environment variable from Kubernetes object (e.g. configmap, secret) volumeMounts: # struct[] | Array of volume mounts - containerPath: /volume # string | Path inside container to mount volume into volume: # struct | Volume to mount name: some-volume # string | Name of the volume to mount subPath: /some/path # string | Mount subPath within volume (optional) readOnly: false # boolean | Make volume mount read-only (default: false) resources: # struct | Pod Resource Restrictions limits: ... # struct | Kubernetes limit for pod resources (max) requests: ... # struct | Kubernetes requests for pod resources (min) livenessProbe: ... # struct | Kubernetes livenessProbe readinessProbe: ... # struct | Kubernetes readinessProbe
labels: # map | Map of additional labels (optional) labelName1: labelValue1 labelName2: labelValue2
annotations: # map | Map of additional annotations (optional) annotationName1: annotationValue1 annotationName2: annotationValue2
volumes: # struct[] | Array of volumes for this component- name: some-volume # string | Name of the volume size: 2Gi # string | Size of the volume (for Persistent Volumes) configMap: # struct | ConfigMap reference (for ConfigMap Volumes) name: my-config # string | Name of the configmap secret: # struct | Secret reference (for Secret Volumes) secretNme: my-secret # string | Name of the secret
service: # struct | Service of this component ports: # struct | Array of ports for this service - port: 8080 # int | Port of service containerPort: 80 # int | Port of pod to forward traffic to (default: same as port) protocol: TCP # string | Network protocol (default: TCP) type: ClusterIP # string | Kubernetes service type (default: ClusterIP) externalIPs: # string[] | Array of external IP addresses for service (optional) - "244.485.47.5" name: my-service # string | Name of the service (optional, default: name of component release) labels: # map | Map of additional labels (optional) labelName1: labelValue1 labelName2: labelValue2 annotations: # map | Map of additional annotations (optional) annotationName1: annotationValue1 annotationName2: annotationValue2
serviceName: my-service # string | Name of headless service (for Kubernetes StatefulSet = if at least one volume is mounted in containers)
ingress: # struct | Ingress for component disabled: false # boolean | Allows specifying ingress rules, but disabling them in certain contexts rules: # struct[] | Array of ingress rules for component - host: my-hostname.tld # string | Hostname for ingress rule path: / # string | Host path for ingress rule (default: /) servicePort: serviceName: tls: true # boolean OR string | True (for auto-generated secert name) or name of secret with SSL certificate (default: false) tlsClusterIssuer: lets-encrypt-http-issuer # string | Name of tls cluster issuer (letsencrypt, cert-manager) ingressClass: nginx # string | Ingress class for certificate provisioning name: my-ingress # string | Name of the ingress (optional, default: name of component release) labels: # map | Map of additional labels (optional) labelName1: labelValue1 labelName2: labelValue2 annotations: # map | Map of additional annotations (optional) annotationName1: annotationValue1 annotationName2: annotationValue2
replicas: 3 # int | Number of replicas of component
autoScaling: # struct | Autoscaler configuration horizontal: # struct | Horizontal autoscaler configuration maxReplicas: 5 # int | Max number of replicas averageCPU: 500m # string | Target CPU value (average) averageRelativeCPU: 80 # int | Target CPU value relative to requested CPU for containers (average) averageMemory: 2Gi # string | Target memory value (average) averageRelativeMemory: 50 # int | Target memory value relative to requested memory for containers (average)
rollingUpdate: # struct | Rolling update configuration enabled: false # boolean | Enable/disable rolling updates (default: false) maxSurge: "50%" # string | Max relative amount of pods that can be created above the desired number of replicas maxUnavailable: "30%" # string | Max relative amount of pods that can be unavailable during rolling update partition: 3 # int | Only update pods with ordinal number greater than or equal this value (pods 1+2 will not be updated, default: 1)
pullSecrets: # string[] | Array of Kubernetes secrets used as image pull secrets- some-secret
affinity: {} # struct | Kubernetes affinity to consider when scheduling pod
nodeSelector: {} # struct | Kubernetes node selector to consider when scheduling pod
nodeName: "node-name" # string | Kubernetes node name to schedule pod on
tolerations: {} # struct | Kubernetes tolerations to consider when scheduling pod
podManagementPolicy: OrderedReady # string | Kubernetes Pod Management Policy (default: OrderedReady)